
Time Flies

I guess being a student these days isn’t too exciting, lots of assignments and lots of papers but with a four-day long weekend ahead, that’s something exciting! Today, in terms of school, I had a lighting design workshop in my theatre 103 class. I was also watching a clip in philosophy which was fairly controversial, in it we examined the body language of each person in the discussion in terms of the multi-modal argument theory. It was interesting to watch them pretend to be enjoying each others’ company yet really dislike the other. After class I met with a few friends from math class to finish up our assignment due tomorrow- it has been a tricky one but with the help of wolphramalpha and our professor I think we’ll do okay!

This is a great week for me to catch up with friends, well at least after I hand in most of my assignments tomorrow. I’ll be catching up with a girl I lived with first year for coffee tomorrow and a shopping trip with my roomie. I’m hoping this weather will keep up so we can enjoy the outdoors tomorrow! I am also sending in my application for scholarships and bursaries tomorrow; they’re open to all Redeemer students and there is a fairly large list.

With Easter just ahead I can’t believe how time has flown this semester. Trust me, any first year would tell you it feels like they’ve just started second semester. Even as a second year I have no idea where the past months have gone. I guess you just get so busy that you lose track of time. Anyway, along with the mad rush of finishing up papers, assignments and class, there is also the rush to find jobs before we finish exams. I’ve been searching for a month now. My dorm mates have been very encouraging, offering to pray for me at devotions tomorrow. We do devotions every Wednesday night. It can be a great time for the dorm to connect spiritually.

I just found out my class schedule for next year, unfortunately I have yet another 8am class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday- those are the killers. Other than that, though, its not too bad, one night class (which you learn to hate or love) and the rest of my classes are fairly bunched together which will be easier as a commuter. I guess I have the commuter socials and commuter lounge to look forward to next year: free food, who can complain?

I was able to watch the recent play Rookery Nook, put on by Redeemer. It was a terrific show! I was an usher for the show, which is a great way to be able to see it free! Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing more plays, the one coming up I believe is Betrayal.

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