Anyways, this week was short but busy. I had a test and presentation on Tuesday, both of which went fairly well I would say. Dinners were good this week – hamburgers (to celebrate the great weather we’ve been having), fettuccine alfredo (to get away from those Dutch meals for a night), and pizza casserole (just interesting!). Dinners are always a treat at Redeemer – it’s like going out for dinner every night. You never know what you’re going to have and you can be sure that it is something new and interesting most of the time. I am lucky to be a girl – I hear those boys’ dorms don’t eat as well as we do! They’re lucky that dorm dinners have been invented at Redeemer. These happen when a dorm invites another dorm over for dinner. However, there is a catch! The dorm that does the inviting is responsible for making dinner, while the dorm that is invited prepares the dessert and does the dishes after the meal is finished. Maybe I’m just prejudiced, but I think this invention came about so that the boys’ dorms could eat some good meals now and then.
This week was also fun because I started a new group project with some girls that I don’t really know. Everyone is excited about the project because it’s something we’re all interested in – Autism. I, as well as another girl in my group have worked with autistic children before and are very passionate about the subject. The other two are just as pumped as we are, even having never experienced it before! I have a feeling this is going to be a fun project to work on, which is definitely needed at this time of the school year. It’s nice to meet some new people as well.
You’d think that because Redeemer doesn’t have a mass amount of people like other universities do, that you would know everyone walking down the hallways. This is definitely not the case! I find myself meeting new people all the time and it’s more fun as I progress through my years at Redeemer, because I am getting to know more and more people in my own program. It’s unique, I think, because you continue to meet new people and you continue to learn that everyone has something different to offer. Everyone has something that they struggle with, something that they’re good at, or something that they’re trying to learn themselves. This provides an opportunity to reach out, help, learn, teach, and make friends that may last a lifetime.