Some ladies were over at our dorm last night; they were here for one of the campus visit days where you stay overnight to get the real experience. They were checking out our house and I had a chance to chat with them. I just remember when I visited Redeemer for the first time: I thought it was the smallest school considering my high school was bigger and I remember being surprised at how many guys there were. But my favourite part was how friendly people were; especially compared to the high school I was at where girls glared at you as you walked down the hallways. I find when I walk down the halls at Redeemer that it is just a different atmosphere, a more inviting one where people are more likely to smile.
Now, I would say my favourite part about Redeemer is the friends that I’ve made. I’ve never been able to talk about God so easily with friends; He just pops into our conversations. We are all in a different place in our walk with God so it’s such a great support system. Devotions are a great time for us to get together and talk about God, but it is in the moments when we are just hanging out that we have the best discussions about our faith and convictions.
As for homework, I told the girls visiting for the campus visit day that it can build up quickly and is different compared to high school, although not everyone’s marks go down and not everyone freaks out during the first midterm season. Speaking of midterms, I have another math midterm this Friday which I’ve started studying for; a lot of the content is on the study of primes and also counting techniques (This is a course that computer science students also take). I will be picking courses for next year in the upcoming week. I’m almost done my core courses and I’m very excited to be taking my first education course in the fall! Only about 6 weeks to go until school is done, everyone is counting down since the weather outside reminds us of the long summer ahead!