This past week, from March 8 – 12, Redeemer students, staff and faculty took part in a clothing drive. Participants were asked to bring in clothes (old clothes or clothes that they no longer wore, but were still in good condition) from Monday – Wednesday, and to come and purchase new clothes for their wardrobe on Thursday – Friday. This endeavor was referred to as Value Village: Redeemer Style, and far surpassed any expectations that were made before the week began.
After two days of an intense search for the “good stuff”, Redeemer raised exactly $500.00 through the sale to be sent to Invisible Children, and are sending more than half of the clothes received by donation to a local charity in Hamilton (yet to be decided). Well done, Redeemer! You can be proud of your efforts and contributions!
This aspect of Redeemer is one that cannot be overlooked. I have come to understand that Redeemer’s capacity to “give back” goes beyond anything that I have ever experienced. Over the last year, functions and events have been held to raise money and resources for those in the world that are desperately in need. There have been book-drives, spaghetti dinners, concerts, clothing drives, and many more events. Redeemer has proven to be exceptionally generous, always willing to lend a hand and to step up to the plate when there is a need. When I consider the Haitian earthquake that occurred back in January, I am amazed at Redeemer’s efforts to get involved. Within days, we had a plan of action. There were functions planned, discussions regarding the devastating event, prayer circles set up, and plans to hold events to raise funds necessary for the rebuilding of Haiti. I am in awe by Redeemer’s willingness to help and to give back, after we have been so richly blessed.
Redeemer may not be extremely large, but we have the hearts to make incredible change in the world. And I think that Redeemer is doing just that – we are not hiding within its walls, but we are stepping out, stepping up to the plate, and stepping up in ways that seem impossible for a school our size. We can be proud of the school that Redeemer is and thank God for all He has blessed us with, so that we might be able to give back. Whether a part of Redeemer’s Social Justice Team, or simply by tossing an old book, shirt, or five dollar bill in a basket, Redeemer students, staff and faculty have and will continue in their efforts to show Christ’s love in a hurting world.
To this I say, well done, Redeemer. You continue to amaze me!