It’s just that time of the year… what a phrase, I found myself saying it several times today and can see myself saying it throughout the rest of the semester. Between the demands of school, friends and family its tough to be a university student but I know the pay off and I’m very lucky to be a student at Redeemer. I’m looking at my agenda and this will be a busy week, between my work to prep for the clothing drive, my midterm on Friday and the readings between that, not to mention our dorm social on Wednesday night!
Today I found myself not completely there in class, not to say that Aristotle and the play The Wild Duck aren’t interesting, its just that my mind is more concerned with other things. Tomorrow my dorm will be going out for some much-needed dorm bonding, we’ve all been so busy so we decided to get off campus and chat about anything but school. Then my friend and I have this clothing drive we are planning to take place next week, it’s a lot of prep work; today at Student Life Micah helped us make 800 business cards to put in everyone’s mailbox on Thursday. We’re doing the clothing drive as a fundraiser for an organization called Invisible Children. A few months ago we had a book drive and it was pretty crazy.
I have a CEW team meeting tonight, which is part of Redeemer’s once-a-month church service called Church in the Box (CITB). We do the “random” aspect of the service: dancing, skits, visual art, etc. Tonight we should be pulling together our part of the service, I shouldn’t say what it is though, most people like the surprise element. It’ll be great though!
Tonight I plan to start studying for that lovely calculus midterm on Friday, your first test with a professor is always difficult because you’re not sure how they go about testing. At least after one test with a professor you know what to expect, so for this one I plan on knowing everything- we’ll see if that actually happens. It’s kind of like how I was going to get all my French homework done this afternoon but instead spent my time talking with my roommate. I will head to the library tonight to make sure I don’t get distracted.