Exams get some people really stressed out but I believe that if you take the time to exercise, eat right and study in shorter increments that studying becomes much less stressful and more effective. I’m sure everyone has an exam routine that works for them. It’s kind of crazy that we still have classes right now while lots of other universities are beginning exams, from what I understand though they have a longer exam time than we have so their exams are more spread out. I don’t mind still being in school, I’m sure it all works out to about the same in-class hours.
Anyways, I was very happy to see as I was bringing in my stuff from the long-weekend that our tennis courts are now up! I’m hoping to get a few games in this week, if only the weather would co-operate. I know a lot of people who have tons of essays right now, but I really only have a midterm and one-page French essay due this week. That’s why I’ve decided to do this Brown Rice cleanse that I did with a door-mate last year. It’s really cool because you can eat as much as you like and it’s only for a short period of time (5-10 days). Basically it’s anything with brown rice, vegetables and fruit, no salt, sugar, dairy or meat. We had fun coming up with random meals last year so this time I have a few more ideas.
Speaking of off-campus housing, I just sent in my notice to Time-out (our school newsletter) about summer housing. There’s a ton of ads about housing in Timeout right now, so it’s a great resource for that type of thing as well as lost/found items and finding drives home. Time-out also posts class-cancellations and activities going on. A great way to stay connected with what is going on. After all it’s delivered to your front porch every morning! On April fool’s they did a mock-Time out which was really funny, the ads they made up were hilarious because they were similar ideas with an outrageous twist. I’d definitely say it was the best April fool’s this year.