The sun setting later in the day, and students still wondering when they will catch up on sleep from the hour they lost from the time change. Not because of late night talks with roommates or secret summer excursions, but because of papers and assignments that are suddenly due. I mean, we were assigned the paper at the beginning of the year, but it wasn’t due until April, so why start right away? Well... yesterday was April 1, and it was no April Fools’ joke that those long-term assignments are suddenly due within the week. Maybe it’s time we started doing some research. It’s a great thing the library is open until midnight.
On a lighter note, the weather is a lot more welcoming than say a month ago. We’ve been teased with hints of Spring, only to be plunged back into freezing cold temperatures, but this time I’m optimistic that the warm weather is here to stay. The grass is turning green; we’re eating our dorm dinners outside in our back yard; the guitars are out for late night sing-a-longs; football and soccer games between classes; flip-fops; and flowers. The HANDS Mission team sold Gerber Daisies as a fund raiser for their Missions trip to Nicaragua. They were distributed yesterday, spreading some Spring cheer all over the school. You can see the grass turning green and the flower sprouting through the ground. It’s times like this when we realize how blessed we are to live on such a beautiful campus.
The business of the students are blooming too as we get to see productions like Rookery Nook. I know many people were heavily involved in the acting, set building, and stage managing of the play. I know how much work and dedication everyone put into this play, and I am amazed and proud of how amazing their production was. Redeemer truly produces quality results in whatever we dedicate our time and heart to; this theatre production is just another example of how talented our school is.
Spring is here and so are the deadlines for our assignments. On top of this are the nervous anticipation of upcoming exams, and the stress of finding summer jobs, and just being busy and tired. It’s really nice to have a long weekend. Today is Good Friday – a time to reflect on God’s amazing love as he graciously gave us life. Through this weekend may we all truly worship God and thank him and praise him for all he has given the world. God is so good! Through this weekend we can reflect on the biggest event in all of history – Jesus’ death and resurrection concurring death, sin, and Hell. Our God reigns and he gives us purpose. Through this reflection may we spring forward into our studies and dig into His truths; God is in all things and may we write essays for his glory as he prepares us for our callings.