Redeemer has been bursting with excitement for the past couple of days. Final events are taking place, committee activities are coming to an end, faculty are trying to squeeze everything that they need to cover into the last few classes, and students are cramming to get everything accomplished on time. And yet, despite the busyness of the last couple weeks of the semester, coffee house on Thursday night was a real hit.

The last few weeks of school are always exciting – students feel as though they have accomplished much over the year, and are excited for what the summer holds. The weather has been beautiful, and students have been making use of their porches, barbeques and access to campus and athletic equipment, including the tennis and basketball courts. The excitement and hope for the near future is clear!
I even encountered some people playing guitar or ukulele or some stringed instrument outside at around 11:30 at night, one night this week. While this may surprise you, once you have encountered Redeemer for a couple of months, nothing surprises you anymore. Students are free to express themselves in many ways, and believe me, they sure do! This is evident in the classroom, around campus, at all hours of the day and night, and whenever you find the time to really look around!
I also experienced a whole section of the school this week that I never even knew existed. A friend and I do devotions 3-4 times a week together at around 11:00 at night, and one night, she suggested that we go to a prayer room at the school. Little did I know, we actually have rooms at the school just for praying! I was absolutely amazed and am certain that I will making use of those rooms more often for the remaining three weeks of the year, and of course in my next couple of years at Redeemer.
Time to get back to those presentations and papers – only three weeks to go! Keep plugging away at it!