But don’t worry. She won’t be in bed for long, because although she slept through her alarm, her roommate’s alarm will go off soon. *chirp, chirp* There it is, the bird call from her cell phone and our main character groggily crawls out of bed and into the shower. It’s the beginning of another day at Redeemer... but not just any day. Today is the Last Day of Classes for this school year. Her last day of being a first year. With that excitement to boost her energy level, she quickly eats a bowl of LIFE cereal and grabs her backpack – she’s off for her last class of the year.
A few minutes later we find our girl in line at William for her morning French Vanilla Latte. She talks with Gerta who’s making her drink about her exams and the beautiful weather, and wishes her nice day. Now she’s walking to class, a bit late, but there’s still time to talk to a couple of friends along the way.
10:00 and it’s time for microeconomics, her last class of the year (which I believe I have mentioned a couple of times, but hey, she’s pretty excited about this... she gets to hand in a paper that she’s been working on since the beginning of the semester. It’s a group project about the limitations of Fair trade and how all of that relates to economics. Pretty exciting stuff!) She sits down beside one of her best friends, opens her lap top and talks excitedly about how great it is to be almost done classes and exams, with summer just around the corner:
“It feels Sooo short compared to high school.”
“I know” she agrees.
“I handed in our project and this is my last class.”
“Yup, me too. All that’s left is exams...”
“and then summer!” they both said in unison and laughed.
Their prof finished off his last lecture on the last chapter in the text book (she couldn’t believe how many text books she actually read this year... looking back it was a whole lot for just four months, but at the time it didn’t seem like that much to read.) And then he gave a few pointers for the exam. The clock struck 10:50 and Freedom!
Well, kinda freedom. Freedom from classes sure, but now it is time for our first year to realize all of the studying she has to do to prepare for her first exam on Tuesday night. Time to start reading over those REL 101 notes and checking out the slides her prof posted on the internet site Moodle.
But the rest of this day won’t be just about studying. Seriously, it’s a nice day. And it’s the Last Day of Classes! And her dorm still hasn’t gotten back to her neighbouring dorm for a prank they did in February (not that she keep grudges ... they just haven’t forgotten). Yes there are still a lot of things that I have to do yet before my first year is over, just to make being a first year unforgettable.