When I first came to Redeemer in September of 2008, I will admit that Redeemer was not #1 on my Schools to Attend list. However, since God has placed me here, I could not be more thankful. I have become a different person since stepping on Redeemer campus. I hope that what I am saying does not sound flashy, or made up, or fantasy-like, because that is definitely the case. Redeemer has thrown many challenges into my life, as well as into the lives of my friends and neighbours. There are challenges beyond every corner, as between classes, friends, activities and worship sessions, there is always something pushing you to do something better, to trust God more, to become a better person, and so on. It isn’t all fun and roses! But the outcome – it’s totally worth it.
I often take advantage of this. I forget that I am attending a school that is so rare, so different from all of the other public universities in Ontario and Canada. I forget that I have the chance to be a Christian in my classes and in the hallways. I forget that other places aren’t like this. And I forget that I’m privileged to be able to be here, to be given the chance to learn in an environment and school where students and faculty know my name and care about my well-being. And that’s something I shouldn’t forget. I am blessed. We are blessed.
If you feel that God is leading you to come to Redeemer next year, take it from someone who has tried to run the opposite way more than once – listen to Him. Redeemer has so much to offer you and will challenge you on multiple levels. Not only will you receive an education that is extraordinary (and I’m not just saying that – I love my courses), you will meet people and experience things that will change your life course and who you are as a person forever. Continue to pray about where God is leading you and what He has planned for you for next year. May you be blessed in your decision-making!
I’m hoping that I’ll see you around campus in September!