It’s the most wonderful time of the year because the Redeemer Christmas bug has officially bit my dorm. When my mom mentioned Christmas to me during the first month of school, I never gave it a second thought. Then November hit, and my dorm started talking about Christmas decorations. That’s when I realized – we didn’t have any! Fortunately, my mom was able to send a box of decorations, and my dorm mates could bring stuff from home. We also went out and bought some outdoor lights. One girl even brought a tree! Now, having decorations is great, but you’ve got to put them up. That’s where the community of the dorm comes in. The music is turned on and everyone works together to decorate. We laugh as we get tangled in lights and sprayed with fake snow; scream when the decorations fall down and sing along with the lyrics to the first Christmas songs.
When I was young, decorating for Christmas was the highlight of my year, and decorating for Christmas at Redeemer has made that time even more exciting and memorable. I remember how the outdoor Christmas lights always seemed to appear on our house roof. This year, I realized that someone actually has to put those lights up. Only problem is, no one in my dorm is tall enough to reach the eaves trough to put the lights on it. So I made the short trek to our “brother” dorm across the parking lot to ask for help. After half an hour, the lights were strung up. Then we plugged them in. And that’s when we realized that a section of the icicle lights wasn’t working. Have you ever heard the proverbial saying, “This is like looking for a needle in a hay stack”? Well, this time it was more like looking for a blown bulb in a section of Christmas lights. But eventually we found the missing bulb. We replaced it and went inside to enjoy the rest of the Christmas spirit. If Christmas is celebrated like this in November, I wonder what Christmas in December will look like. Guess I’ll find out in 3 days.