I began university coming straight out of a public high school. It was like coming to Canada from Mexico, the cultures are just so different. I'd come from an environment where the mention of God subjected you to ridicule from anyone and everyone. You became the easy target for atheist bullies. I became somewhat of a chicken so I avoided theological discussions at all costs.
It was no wonder I was in such shock when I arrived at Redeemer. Never before had I heard a teacher pray before a class started, nor had them randomly refer to a Bible verse in the middle of a class discussion. It just wasn't done! But now every class or lecture you went to, it was the norm and I loved it!
In the hallways during high school you could not go anywhere without people uttering fowl language. After a while you become desensitized to it and don't even notice it happen anymore. It shook me to the core to come to Redeemer and happen to eavesdrop on people praying together in the hall. Not to mention the time a friend came to me in the hall, pulled me to the side and asked if I could pray for her. I didn't think she meant right them and there! I said ok, thinking that was it but she waited. I almost panicked, what will people think? Nonetheless I didn't want to disappoint my friend and not do it, so I bowed my head and said a prayer for her. We both went on our way to continue the day, but that moment stayed with me. I realized that this too was a norm in this community.
In high school I had very few friends, we just had nothing in common. Another shock. At Redeemer you have something in common with nearly everyone, if not a Dutch background, its your faith and love for Jesus Christ. You can meet anyone for the first time and feel like you've known each other for decades just because of that connection. It's because of this connection that I was now less afraid to actually go out of my way to talk to someone. Also, people in high school were just mean, not so here. People care and aren't afraid to show it. You are never turned away from someone's lunch table like in high school. Instead people invite you to join them. It's incredible what happens when Christ is the foundation of academia.
Now that I'm in my second year at Redeemer, I have become accustomed to praying in classes and hallways, and having a worship service once a week with the school. I have become so accustomed to religious discussions that when I am in the public I sometimes forget that the people I encounter may not share my faith or understand it. I catch myself witnessing without intending to do so, it's awesome! I am so glad that coming to Redeemer has made me more bold in sharing my faith with others.