
A Rainy Day

Today was just another rainy day at Redeemer, but I happened to have a midterm which I finished fairly quickly and my only other class was cancelled today! (what are the chances!?) It was really nice because I have lots of homework but also because a lot of the girls in my dorm were also at the dorm today so we got a chance to hang out. I had my hair braided, we had neighbours come over and hang out and we talked about whether we would prefer burial or cremation- yes random I know! It ended up that I am the only one who would like to be cremated… don’t worry it was a very funny conversation which left us all laughing and not doing any homework!

The year is wrapping up with only 3 more weeks left of class and 2 weeks of exams. Everyone is getting pretty excited for the summer ahead although the search for summer jobs is becoming stressful. Tonight there is an undefined worship service; It happens about once every few months and it’s an opportunity for those who worship God in a different way to share that with the student body. At the last one there was a prayer labyrinth, paint and walls covered with paper all the while having people come up and share their worship through dance, pictures, song, etc. I am very disappointed that I will be missing it because of work but I’m sure it will be a blast- it always has a great turnout.

I cannot wait for the tennis nets to go up on the courts outside; playing tennis is one of my favourite activities to do on campus and with a bit of sun and those tennis nets I will hopefully be out there soon. There is actually quite a few tennis players at Redeemer; last year we tried to have a tournament, but it was too close to final exams. I guess we should have the tournament in the fall if we’d like to get a good amount of people out there!

I just signed up to usher for the upcoming play “Rookery Nook.” I’m taking my art core, which is Theatre 103, and it requires that we get involved in the play in some way so I’m ushering and I’ll get to watch the show for free as well. I remember last year’s play, "The Fiddler on the Roof," was absolutely amazing so I’m looking forward to this one as well. Tickets to these productions are also a great gift idea for family (and they aren’t expensive).

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