So my cooking partner and I are planning to make burgers and nachos for dinner this week to celebrate the great weather, and also just because we are craving burgers and nachos. We shop at the Market on Thursday nights for a dorm of 5 and this week our budget is a little bit tighter so hopefully we can get everything we need. This past month we were a little extravagant in our spending so this month we’re getting back on budget. It’s a great way to prepare for living off campus next year!
I’m living in Augustine Hall right now and there is a new dorm idea that Student Life has tried out. Instead of having an HA live with us (since I’m in second year) we have two “floor HAs.” I’m really enjoying it because our dorm is more responsible for things that go on in our dorm but we still have someone there to get advice and help from if we need it. We also have floor parties and activities to bring all 4 dorms together, last time we watched a movie and had cheesecake! Everyone says Augustine Hall is more secluded but I don’t think that’s true anymore.
Tonight I’m working at I.T. Help Desk. It’s a place in the library where people come if they have technical questions about the internet, their lap top or printing something off in the labs. It’s nice because after 8pm, its pretty quiet in the library and I get a chance to work on some homework- and there is always lots of that to do!