
Life and CITB

It's the final stretch for the fall term, this means a couple of things. 1. There is a switch from mid-terms and presentations to papers. 2. Snow is coming soon, in fact it was snowing just yesterday. 3. During exam week there will be midnight breakfast! - about half the student population comes out to have breakfast just before midnight, our profs serve us breakfast and it is probably one of my favourite events of the year.

Yesterday was this year's third Church in the Box (CITB). I have been involved with CITB since I was in my first year. Being in my fourth year right now means there have been lots of services in that time. CITB is a monthly worship service that happens at Redeemer, about 800 people come out from the Redeemer community and the surrounding area to spend an evening in worship. This year we are dealing with the theme "Life Transformed" - to expand on that: looking at how God transforms our lives today. Yesterday Matt Pamplin shared with us about how God transforms our character - how we can be heroes. He looked at how David (as in King David) was used by God, even though he had to wait 20 years before he could be King.

Other things that have happened in the last weeks, we got an honourable mention for dorm clean-up. Maybe next semester we will win. This coming week promises to be good busy. This Wednesday there is the big volleyball game against Mohawk College. Our gym promises to be a crazy place. I am an Resident Advisor (RA) this year and three of my boys are on the volleyball team, which makes me extra excited. Besides that I get to live in a dorm with 7 other guys - it's a pretty good experience.

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