In Chapel this week, Sister Mary Catherine shared a reflection on the practice of crossing the body with the sign of the cross. She shared how this shows dedication and is in itself a declaration of faith. This practice has immense historical significance as well, dating back quite a few centuries, and more. The main speaker this week was Dr. Payton, one of our own professors. The worship in this service connected well to Dr. Payton’s theme for the morning. The songs were chosen from many different denominations, to strengthen the message. The theme in his sermon was of unification, of the church as one body. He talked on the many splits in the church, how wrong they are. As he said “The spirit knows no schisms.” However, it is more, not that the splits in themselves are wrong, but the conflict between them is wrong. The world looks on as civil war in the Church continues. We should be able to serve the world together as one. We Christians are all unified in our faith, in our love for God and His people. Payton notes that most of time we focus on the 5% that is different between denominations of the Church, he suggests that we should rather look more at the 95% that we all share. The one Trinitarian God, the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God never wanted these schisms to occur, and I’m sure it tears his heart to see the conflict between his followers. Maybe we should all strive to serve the Lord in unison, in the spirit of love, the way it was intended.