Living in a dorm with 7-8 other students can be slightly frightening. Thousands of questions fly through your head: Will you get along with your dorm mates and roommate?Can anyone in the dorm cook? What if I live with party animals!? These are perfectly reasonable questions, in fact, I asked myself these questions a million times, and I want to address these anxieties and make you excited to experience dorm life at Redeemer.
First, let's discuss the topic of dorm mates and roommates. Redeemer's Student Life department carefully reads through your dorm application forms in order to figure out who will make a good dorm. Some of the things you'll find in common with your dorm mates are hobbies, majors and minors, future career goals, etc. For example, everyone in my dorm is involved with music one way or another, and most of us want to become teachers. Also, if you know someone who is going to attend Redeemer, you can ask to be in that person's dorm or be their roommate. My cousin and I decided to be roommates once we found out that we were both coming to RUC.
Second, I want to say that the dorm setup at Redeemer is truly amazing. Redeemer is the only university that I know of that has town-house style dorm with 8 girls/guys living together. Because of this setup, you begin to feel like a family. You also get to cook your own meals. Now for some people that may not be a good thing. But usually there is at least one or two people in the dorm, aside from the RAs, who know how to cook. How do you choose who's cooking? Your RAs will choose cooking partners based on class schedules. (I cook with two other girls on Monday nights.) Dinner is a great time to chat with your dorm mates and catch up on each other's days. Sometimes, you even get to have dinner with another dorm during a Dorm Dinner.
Lastly, I want to talk about the social life of a dorm. Once you get to know people on campus you tend to have a lot of visitors, which is a good thing. Friends give you a break from all the studying and writing you've been doing. However, you need to be aware of the temptation to hang out with friends instead of writing that History essay that's due in two days. Also, bring ear plugs. My roomie and I tend to go to bed 2 hours before everyone else, which means there's always talking and laughing going on downstairs. Fortunately, the sound is muffled pretty good, but for those of you who are light sleepers, I advise bringing ear plugs. Also, your dorm mates will be pretty understanding if you ask them to tone it down a bit.
Yep, Redeemer dorm life is pretty awesome. It's one of the things that really made me want to go to Redeemer. Once again I say come and visit Redeemer but make sure you stay over night in a dorm or take a dorm tour. Trust me. You won't regret it.