Speaking of those poetry readings, if you haven’t come out to one yet- plan on it! This year we have already had two excellent poets in, Lorri Neilsen Glenn and Jeramy Dodds, as well as an appearance from Sam Martin, who read from his new book, This Ramshackle Tabernacle. There’s just something about hearing a writer read their own works, as well as having the opportunity to ask them questions afterwards. It’s a great experience. The next poet in is Ken Babstock, who will be reading on November 25th. Mark it down in your calendar, be there or be square!
Another upcoming event to look forward to- The first art gallery opening of the year is right around the bend. “Clothed Like These: Images of Divine Affection” will be open from October 30 to November 26, so you will have plenty of time to check it out. For more art, check out the hallways around the art room. Student work is often on display, and is always worth spending some time on.
November 23 to 27 will be when the first play of the year is running. Dylan Thomas’ Under Milkwood, a play in which “an all-seeing narrator invites the audience to listen to the dreams and innermost thoughts of the inhabitants of an imaginary small Welsh village,” (to quote our handy-dandy Redeemer website) promises to be an out of the ordinary experience. You won’t want to miss it. The actors are all playing multiple roles, which should prove to be pretty darn interesting.
As far as the music scene goes, the faculty artist concert is happening on the 5th of November, and there are numerous student performances going on throughout the year- keep an eye on the Time Out to find out when and where they’re going down. In addition to the more curricular events, there’s also a ton of bands at Redeemer that are worth checking out. The Good Hunters, City of Snow, Dwelt in Silence...just to name a few. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming concerts to support our talented musicians!
Ah, the arts are alive and well here at jolly olde Redeemer! If you want to pencil in a few of these dates, learn a little more about them, or see what else is going on, check out the Arts & Culture Schedule for some more info. Anywhoo, that’s all for now. Until next time, over and out.