
february comes already.

Everyone thinks that when they get to the new semester everything is going to be less chaotic; less homework to do and more time to hang out and see people after the Christmas break. You think you have all the time in the world, professors won't actually give you an assignment the first week, but then the second semester begins, reality hits, and chaos returns; all of a sudden you have assignment after assignment and time seems to disappear. Now it is February, midterms are starting and everyone seems to retreat to the library as some sort of shelter, anticipating the upcoming "reading" week that February brings.

But, let's face it, it's not always just homework and assignments, we do find different ways to entertain ourselves. Every Friday night, my friends and I make our way out to the hockey game to support the Redeemer Royals. Hardcore fans, such as ourselves, stop by Timmy H on the way and bring mountains of blankets to warm ourselves as we cheer on the team. (just so you know, they won 5-3 this past week...)

Now, as this week seems to be ending, we look forward to the weekend as it will be filled with sleep, socializing, a little homework, and the most exciting part of the month and the weekend, in my opinion, Church in the Box.

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