Katelyn: Last year you were the Senate Clubs Coordinator. What did you learn from last year that will help you this year as President?
Joel: I’ve learned the value of coordinated community. In that everybody needs to know what’s going on in order for things to work smoothly, like what each persons' responsibilities entails. Once people have that they can not only do their position, they can grow in it and expand it.
K: What made you decide to run for President?
J: I had the capability to do the position and somebody needed to do it. I had a vision for how Student Senate could run and I went with that vision. I felt the need and responded to that need.
K: That’s a really good quote!
J: Thanks, I’m looking up quotes online as I’m talking to you.
K: Seriously?
J: No. *pause* Oh here’s one: “To be or not to be...”
K: Haha. Ok, you said that you had a vision for Senate...
J: Yeah, the vision I have isto ensure that Student Senate runs like clockwork. To have an organized government that shows students its function, what its purpose is, and hopefully makes students really aware of what goes behind the doors of the Student Senate office. I want students to know that their Senate is available, that we’re interested in them, not just in doing our jobs. I also plan on expanding horizons for myself: getting to know people that I didn’t know before. I want every person that attends Redeemer to know that Senate is for them. We want Student Senate be truly for the students – and that’s all the students, not just the ones we see on a daily basis. *pause... hiccups* haha. I’ve had the hiccups all day long because I ate my apple wrong.
K: This is 29th year of Redeemer is seeing a lot of firsts: new president Dr. Krygsman, new dean of students Karen Cornies, and your first time as president of Student Senate. What do you see your role is in integrating our new Redeemerite-admin into the Redeemer community?
J: Yup, that’s three changes right there. One’s normal; it’s natural to have a new Senate president every year, but a new president and dean will be a bit of a challenge. I need to get them familiar with the Senate government so that they can be the guide of all the student body. When this happens we can all work together as a team. I have already met the new president and I’m excited for this year because I know that together with the new dean we will all be able to work efficiently together to best serve the students.
K: Rock, Paper, or Scissors?
J: Rock, ‘cause who doesn’t wanna rock?
K: Stick or Carrot?
J: Stick ... or carrot? [pause] You mean like a stick; like a piece of a tree, or a carrot; like an orange vegetable. [pause] I’ll go for the carrot.
K: *laughs* Clearly you’re not a poli-sci student.
J: Oh... Like would you rather lead a donkey with a stick or a carrot. Oh my goodness; you’re terrible!
K: And one last question: What room in Redeemer would you most like to be locked in overnight if it were possible?
J: Umm... it would probably be a room with a bed in it. And the only room that I know of with a bed it is the Kinesiology lab as it’s used for experiments, but I could probably sleep on it.
K: Any last words?
J: I am looking forward to this upcoming year. I think it’s gonna be a blast, with its challenges, but I’m looking forward to those too. I’m looking forward to my Senators – even if they ask questions about sticks and carrots... But yeah, I’m looking forward to it. Just praying that we’ll have a really good year!